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What is love?

There are a lot of answers to that question. Some might consider it easy. For others, it seems like one of the most difficult questions in the universe. For some, the immediate answer is to sing "baby don't hurt me" in response at the top of their lungs. No answer is wrong, but for this project, we are trying to make connections and find some correlations.

Love is a difficult topic to approach. It is the source of the highest highs and the lowest lows, the most sorrow and the most joy. There are lots of discussions on whether or not love is phony, on if love is necessary to society as a whole. There is a growing amount of research on the science behind love. This website is dedicated to understanding the concept of love and how we perceive it through our own unique lenses. You will find answers to questions and questions to completely different answers, and you may not know where to begin.

Perhaps that in itself is love.

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