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december 12th, 2018.

It's filming season.

A couple of updates:

- I was planning on filming today but since I am starting to lose my voice, I may just only do the video!

- I will end up adding audio in later through Audacity or through my new lavalier mic!

- The part of filming I was planning on doing was my "do opposites attract?" portion.

- Was planning on using a whiteboard for a quick-draw style section of film.

- Planning on emailing Mr. Maycock or Ms. Springsteen about putting an announcement on the news!

- I have ideas for commercials but I need people to talk in them (thus the announcement.)

- During part of my study hall on Friday, I want to make a Canva poster to send to Springsteen.

- I should also talk to Bott and Gergen about whether I can reserve space in the library to film during specific times or not.

- I also need to talk to Bott/Gergen about getting a lighting lens for my camera with our EMC budget.

- With my meeting with Gergen on Friday, I need to talk about setting up a plan for my Live on Saturday!


december 8th, 2018.

It’s an hour and a half before my next Live @ 5, and I’m watching The Princess Diaries.


Anne Hathaway plays Mia Thermopolis, a normal girl who gets a stereotypical glamour makeover when she finds out that she is the princess of Genovia. I used to hate this movie. Only hearing that premise, I never gave it the light of day. Another makeover movie where the girl gets noticed by the guy she’s always had a crush on? Another movie where the object is beauty rather than brains? However, with a project like this, I knew I had to watch it again. The Princess Diaries is a part of my childhood, but as I was watching, it surprised me how much this movie felt tailored for a way bigger audience.


Anyone who has ever felt unsure about their place in this world should watch this movie. Mia starts as the pariah, yet even with her shift up the ranks, her insecurities stay the same. This is no Sandy from Grease (even if I enjoy that movie, I have to admit, the finale’s leather-suited Sandy always threw me for a loop). Mia changes for the better while retaining her quirks and perfectly personal qualities, which I love. She struggles with her newfound popularity and faces the repercussions of wanting what she is offered without thinking about the possibility of others planning to ride on her coattails. She works through issues with her friends and family and comes out of it better, smarter, wiser. You could say her experiences made her more beautiful both on the inside and the outside.


One thing I think this movie does exceptionally well is address speech as an important factor in anyone’s success. While beauty is nothing to scoff at, and it does play a factor in human attraction, personality and being able to convey a message also has a big role. Mia learns the importance of both with her vapid, fame-seeking crush Josh Bryant and her news scandal. At the end, her speech at the Genovian party shows who she really is and what she believes in, which leads to the people rallying around her.

I relate to Mia’s struggle with herself. She says in her speech that she thinks about herself too much, and that abdicating her role as a princess would facilitate that kind of thinking. Her ability as a princess is to help spread the word of the things she believes in, and to help turn thoughts into actions. Mia ends up falling in love with someone who saw her even when she was “invisible”, as well as the idea of working towards something bigger than herself (Genovia). I expected to only find pride in the way The Princess Diaries portrays beauty, but I found solace in Mia’s actions. As a leader myself, and someone who struggles with the expectations of others, I notice that I think of myself more than I wish I did. I feel as if who I am now is not good enough for what I plan to achieve, and I have issues with my view of who I am as compared to who I want to be for both myself and others. I guess I hope that I’ll be able to make an impact like she does while still retaining who I am, and maybe someday, I’ll have a foot-popping moment myself.


december 5th, 2018.

Some updates:

  • I’m still doing research for the documentary. I have a couple ideas for what to film first that I’m going to run by my audience at my Live on Saturday.

  • I also am going to schedule a meeting with Gergen to talk about what I should do fo January Day, my next SDA, etc.

  • I have posted my survey talking about whether opposites attract or not! You can find it on my Surveys page in the Projects category. Please answer to the best of your ability!

  • I have also posted a survey for people who might be interested in helping out with The Attraction Reaction. I plan to also talk about that on my Live @ 5.

  • I want to talk to someone about whether I can get people volunteer hours for helping me with this. I don’t know how they work so I’m planning on going to Guidance on Monday to talk about that alongside a couple of other things.

  • I also want to start getting together a core group of people to help me plan and figure things out (which the survey will also help). I think it will consist of some people in EMC, some people in school, and possibly some adults like my parents for scheduling. I have talked to some of the EMC students already because their projects fall in line with mine, but the rest needs work!

When I post my Live, I’ll make sure to address all of these bullet points.


december 4th, 2018.

I had my third IG Live @ 5 on December 1st, and so I thought I would talk about what I plan to achieve with them.


I promised that I would post quick annotations about each, and once I am able to figure out how to post the videos themselves on my website, that is where those annotations will go.


I plan to use these IG Lives as a way to reach out to everyone following the project! I’m able to talk to everyone in real time and get feedback on what is and what isn’t working, what people want to see next, etc. It’s also a way for me to figure out how to garner more interest in my project. I definitely should start posting more on the Attraction Reaction Instagram page (@theattractionreaction) but the IG Lives are also a way for me to establish this page as a place to find information! It also helps people to get to my website here via my bio. I’m also planning on making a post talking about how to get to the EMC page and my blogging.


In the future, the IG Lives will be a place where people can get the first looks at new things I’m working on! It’s an incentive for tuning in. I’m also doing research on whether YouTube would be a better platform for my livestreaming or not, but for now just having this one-on-one time via Instagram works!


I do a Live every Saturday at 5pm EST, and I’m talking to people who have difficulty with time zones about what might work for them as well. Please tune in!

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