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october 23rd, 2018.

It's still October! In fact, it's the day right after my last entry.

Some things I've done since then:

- Wrote a quick rough draft of my advert! I want to get that done by the end of March (during my editing season) so I have time to spread it out for about a month until what I assume will be a showing of some sorts in May.

- Edited my site to be mobile-friendly! Now you can view my writing on the go!

- Set up a possible social media account for TAR that I could use to help promote the documentary/my project/EMC itself!

- Wrote a really scratchy outline for my documentary. More to come on that tomorrow.

- To keep myself on track with journaling, I am planning to do Wrap-Up Wednesdays! I'll be scheduling my weeks for EMC from Wednesday to Wednesday instead of starting on Sunday, and every Wednesday I will be putting out a journal! Even tomorrow! Exciting! I notice that my least busy (and most tiring) day is usually Wednesday, so hopefully this will help lift the spirits of myself as well as my audience!

- Added a little surprise to my About Page! Please check it out!

- Speaking of my About Page, I have an idea that involves adding music to this site. I might talk to Riley (his EMC project is focused around creating an EP, link here) and see if we can figure anything out!

-I also set up a shared Google Drive for EMCers to post SDAs and the like on! I don't know how effective it will be, but it's a resource.

- Update on SDA: will be coming Wednesday (hopefully to be figured out for Round Table on Thursday? It won't be executed completely, but I plan to bring it up and see the EMC verdict).

Super exciting things are happening! See you tomorrow. :)


october 22nd, 2018.

It's October.


So far this month:

- I've created an SDA! It's an infographic whose purpose is to teach people about the chemical changes that the brain and body undergo as an effect of human attraction, infatuation, and love. You can find it here.

- I've started writing and storyboarding my documentary! I will make sure to post photos of my writing on the next journal entry. I still have a lot of work to do, and that includes figuring out who to interview behind the scenes as well as in front of the camera. I also want to find actors for one of the parts I'm planning. I'm hoping to start filming by mid-November, but I might start earlier for parts that only involve me in them. For instance, as one part of the documentary, I'll be filming electronic diaries. They will serve a similar purpose as these journals, but I have realized that my best ideas come when I ramble on and on and then dissect what I've said. I'll post them here as well, alongside my script edits, in some sort of "in progress" page that I'll create on this website.

- I have ideas for a social media page to raise awareness and interest of my project and documentary that I plan to discuss with Bott and Gergen as well as the rest of EMC. 

- I talked with Bott a couple days ago about a new SDA which will serve as an alpha survey for determining popular attractive traits. This will include both personality traits and physical traits, but I am narrowing it to what you could determine in a speed date-type setting (only a couple minutes of interaction). One thing I also want to explore: do people like traits similar to theirs? The "opposites attract" cliche is everywhere, and I want to see if it has any merit.

- I watched a documentary that Gergen recommended to me (link here) which I will annotate and write about in my next journal (which I will write by the end of the week).


To-Do List:

- Get that SDA going!

- Schedule a meeting with Gergen!

- Keep writing script!

- Film a video diary + some transition shots! (Along with this: make sure to ask Bott about tripod + voiceover!)

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