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  • Alyssa Koh

December 6th Journal - SDA (what did you say)?

This journal entry is late. I am acknowledging that and also recognizing that something about my work ethic/time usage has to change. I recently got back from NYSSMA All State which took a lot out of me physically, but I'm back and still reeling. I plan to take some time for myself this weekend but until then it is crunch time. The December SDA is due on the 13th at noon (this Friday) but I have some things to start throughout December.

My Q-Focus Statement: The brain processes that occur in the process of decision-making become more efficient/are beneficial when done in roleplaying games.

Knowledge: What is decision-making and why is it important and beneficial to humans/society?

Comprehension: Which facts or ideas show how/where decision-making is done and if there is a way to increase efficiency?

Application: What examples can you find of studies that have done this sort of research/brain analysis?

Analysis: Can you predict the outcome of brain function if gaming was implemented into a curriculum at a young age? (This one will come more into play with my second SDA which I will mention below.)

Evaluation: How would you prioritize education and safe behaviors when gaming opens minds up to reckless decision-making?

Synthesis: How would you justify gaming as a benefit to those who oppose this new way of thinking?

Other SDA Things:

- Planning to meet with Bott and Gergen to discuss a survey I will be sending out to GHS/RPI students + anyone else I can find.

- Planning to email the Guilderland Public Library for some insight on people I could talk to.

- Setting up a list of questions to email Kopff/Emily Frey/Ash Fitzgerald about Model UN.

- Looking into education + gaming (what would happen if we used gaming tactics in elementary curriculums as a way to teach skills like social interaction + decision-making)?

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