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  • Alyssa Koh

March 6th - Goal Post (and update on February SDA)

It's been awhile! For this "goal post" post, I plan to ask myself some questions and answer them just like I've been doing all year. Welcome to my internal monologue interview!

1. So, what is my claim for March, anyway?

My claim for March is "Game designers should be required to take psychology courses to fulfill their degree". I want to maybe reach out to current game design majors to look at their curriculum and look at the effects of having psychologists on staff for game creation. Big companies have recently started using psychologists to help improve their games, but what are the improvements? Can I figure out a general figure increase in profit (when using a psychologist) using what I know about the brain's tendency towards addiction?

2. What's the "C" I plan to address most?

I plan to address collaboration most. Despite my project coming into contact with a lot of people (that's the nature of gaming), I feel like I haven't utilized real people's knowledge and advice. I noticed that most in February. I planned to reach out to people like Steven and Alan because my February claim was philosophy-based but for some reason I never got around to it. I'm hoping that I can expand my reach and maybe set up a survey or something that's group-based. I also never got to do my One Night Ultimate Werewolf group dynamic study, so maybe with the upcoming potluck I could use that as a testing ground. I also want to reach out to the people who run Bard & Baker (a nearby gaming cafe) for an interview or perhaps even a job shadow-type ordeal. I'm unsure of how that would work so I'd have to get some more advice before I reach out.

3. What's going on with your February SDA?

My claim for February addressed philosophy ("the most perfect game is the one with the most choice") and I wrote a journal every day as a result! They will all be posted by Saturday.

4. Any additional things moving forward?

I talked with Gergen yesterday morning and established some ideas. I plan to reach out to some people at RPI to start setting up possible interview possibilities. Perhaps I could visit a GSAS class there, but that's wishful thinking.

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