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  • Alyssa Koh

Pulling The Trigger

As of now, I have less than a month to submit my final presentation for EMC. It's heartbreaking and exciting and incredibly bittersweet. I've committed to college and according to Cuomo, there's no turning back now. So, where does this leave me?

I've decided to work on filming a video talking about empathy and its importance in video games. I've been doing some research in the background all year but I plan to look at some YouTube videos from people who make gaming content so I know where I'm stepping on toes and where I'm not (concerning my angle with this video). What I want to do is talk about how empathy functions socially and via brain function and why it might be a good or bad idea to "exploit" in video games. I want to talk to Ash about propaganda (can gaming be used to explain away things just like how propaganda can? Absolutely) and my friend who plays the baseball simulator game is into film so I'm going to reach out to him for ideas on how to script this.

Goals for the coming week:

Map out what I want to talk about, generally at least.

Have a basic storyboard for main scenes.

Try again to reach out to the RPI guy.

Figure out if I only want to work on empathy in video games or board games as well via more research.

Script out a scene or two and send it to a peer/advisor for commentary.

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